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C-61.1, r. 119
- Regulation respecting the Petawaga Controlled Zone
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C-61.1, r. 119
Regulation respecting the Petawaga Controlled Zone
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 104)
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule A and described in this section, constitutes the Petawaga Controlled Zone:
A territory situated in the county municipalities of Gatineau, Montcalm and Labelle, comprising the following townships: By, Froidevaux, Gay, Fontbrune, Briand, and partly in unorganized territories, containing one thousand one hundred and eighty-six square kilometres (1,186 km
) and whose perimeter may be described as follows:
Commencing at the meeting point of the left bank of rivière Wapus with the left bank of the rivière Gens-De-Terre, thence, southerly, southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly, the left bank of the rivière Gens-De-Terre to the northern shore of lac Baskatong (baie Gens-De-Terre), the said limit being the parc de La Vérendrye limit; thence, following a general southeasterly and then northeasterly direction, the northern limit of baie Gens-De-Terre and of the Baskatong dam; northeasterly, the western bank of the Bras Nord of the Baskatong dam; the right bank of the rivière Gatineau to the meeting with the left bank of the outlet of lac Bull; thence, northerly the left bank of the outlet of lac Bull, the normal high-water mark of lac Bull skirting it to the east, the tributary of lac Bull, the normal high-water mark of the lake whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,231,300 m N, 452,200 m E, skirting it to the east; thence, northwesterly, left bank of the outlet of the lake situated south of lac Millan; thence, the normal high-water mark of the said lake and of lac Millan skirting them to the west; thence, the right bank of the outlet of lac Hanson to the southern end of the said lake; thence, westerly, then southerly the northern limit of the right of way of the road via the fire lookout tower and south of lac Lyon to the normal high-water mark of lac Pants; westerly, and then northwesterly, the normal high-water mark of lac Pants and the left bank of the tributary of the said lake; northerly, the outlet of a lake whose geographical coordinates are longitude: 75º44′40″, latitude: 47º17′15″, the normal high-water mark of the said lake skirting it to the east; the left bank of the tributary of the said lake and its extension to its meeting with the northeastern limit of the right of way of the road alongside lac Maizie at its northern end; thence, northwesterly and then southwesterly, the northeastern limit of the right of way to its meeting with the southwestern limit of the right of way of the road alongside rivière Wapus; thence, southeasterly and then southwesterly, the southwestern limit of the right of way of the road to its meeting with the left bank of rivière Wapus; thence, southwesterly, the left bank of rivière Wapus to the point of commencement.
Less and to withdraw from the said Controlled Zone:
The club for commercial and tourist purposes “Gatineau Pine Lodge” whose U.T.M coordinates are: 5,224,250 m N, 431,450 m E, 5,210,200 m N, 445,640 m E, 5,205,200 m N, 443,000 m E, 5,205,250 m N, 440,700 m E, 5,209,000 m N, 440,950 m E, 5,213,050 m N, 439,800 m E, 5,214,300 m N, 438,475 m E, 5,216,300 m N, 436,920 m E, 5,217,750 m N, 433,940 m E, 5,219,850 m N, 433,940 m E, 5,220,650 m N, 433,350 m E, 5,220,180 m N, 430,700 m E, 5,220,000 m N, 430,000 m E, skirting lac Chatal to the southwest.
The club for commercial and tourist purposes “Sainte-Anne du lac Aviation” whose U.T.M. coordinates are: 5,230,600 m N, 442,100 m E, 5,234,350 m N, 444,800 m E, 5,231,150 m N, 446,500 m E, 5,231,100 m N, 447,450 m E, 5,229,750 m N, 446,500 m E, skirting lac Dawson to the north.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 141, s. 1
s. 1
Petawaga Controlled Zone
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 141, Sch. A
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 141
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